Thank you for signing up to be an affiliate!

As an affiliate, you can share your affiliate link to our online store and membership community and earn 10% on every purchase and subscription.

Here is a guide to help you be successful as an affiliate.

1. Promote your affiliation.

If applicable, share your link on your social media, website, blog posts, videos, e-mail campaigns, and in messages with people who may benefit from it. A good marketing strategy is important to success! Remember, you’ll only earn 10% on purchases made with your unique link.

2. Disclose your affiliation.

When sharing your link, please disclose that you earn 10% on all purchases made with your link.

3. Share great content.

As an affiliate, you’ll want to do more than just say “use this link!” You’ll want to include in your content why the products and membership community can benefit them (instead of focusing on the commission you’ll earn). Let people know how YOU use the products and how you benefit from the community.

4. Be consistent and patient.

Our news feeds are dictated by an algorithm. That means that just because you post your link in one post doesn’t mean everyone knows about it forever. In fact, only 6% of your followers will probably see that post. Posting consistently, adding the link to your Linktree or bio, and talking about it frequently is key.

5. Let us help.

When you embark on your affiliate journey, we’ll be here to help. We’ll send you new marketing material and updates on new products so you can share it with your audience. If you ever need inspiration or advice, let us know.

Now here’s the nitty-gritty:

You’ll get 10% of each one-time purchase made with your affiliate link. You’ll also earn 10% on each recurring GROW Comm membership – that means 10% each month from each person who signs up with your link!

You can login to your Affiliate Dashboard to track purchases. We’ll pay out at the end of every month to your PayPal account. If at any time we feel that you do not properly represent our brand or for any other reason, we retain the right to terminate the affiliate relationship without reason or notification.

If you have any questions, please e-mail